Lucid Safety Training
Canada & United States

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Overhead Crane Hoist

Clearly Stated Solutions

Safety Training Specialists


Clearly Stated Solutions

Safety Training Specialists

Overhead Crane Training

Employee getting trained on Overhead Crane

The online Overhead Crane training certification program consists of a slideshow and will require a practical training session by a person who is currently certified to operate the industrial Overhead Crane.

All participants must pass both sessions to be certified.  Successful participants receive a wallet certification card . This program is designed to break through literacy and/or language barriers in its design.

This due diligence measure helps prove appropriate and necessary questions were asked and answered. The program provides participants with a good understanding of the safe and efficient operation of cranes in industry.

Operator Training Objectives:

Course Outline

Suggested Participants

Overhead Crane operators, gantry crane operators, jib crane operators, supervisors, group leaders, and health & safety committee members.

Completion Time:

40-60 minutes


Will receive certification card upon successful completion, (A passing grade of 90%)
Must also have completed a successful operator evaluation.. Form must be faxed in,


$50 per test, per trainee
If the trainee fails you must purchase another key.

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Who has compiled the safety training?
Our instructors have many years of crane operating expertise. They not only understand the requirements of current legislation but understand the everyday issues and concerns of crane operators.  Their focus is doing everything they possibly can to prevent crane-related accidents at your facilities.

Is your Overhead Crane training conducted onsite?
Yes, we can supply you with onsite training if it is required. It is advisable that crane operators be trained on the Overhead Cranes they will be assigned to use. Use of cranes with different capacities, different attachments, different maneuverability etc. does little to ensure safe use of the cranes at your plants. Practical testing is based of the conditions at your plants and the functions performed at your plants.

How often do Overhead Crane operators have to retrain in Canada?
The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires those operating lifting devices such as a crane to be competent.  No current CSA Standard currently exists for cranes to suggest a frequency of training.

Many companies use the three year period for re-training as specified in the CSA Standard B335-04 Safety Standard for Lift Trucks since a crane is also a lifting device.  The responsibility of the user (company) is to show due diligence (OHSA).  It also makes sense to conduct upgrade training for operators when new equipment or modified equipment is introduced, operating conditions alter, applicable legislation is changed, or knowledge deficiencies have been identified

How Does It Work?

Please read how our operational and safety training online courses work before signing up.

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