Corporate Safety Training Overview

Lucid Training & Consulting Ltd. is an online safety training Canadian corporation dedicated to providing clear, concise  E-learning courses to our customers throughout Canada. Our training programs and services are designed to ensure understanding while providing participants with the information necessary to perform their job functions properly and safely.

Change Of Direction

Thank you for viewing our website. After being in business since 2003, we have decided to change the direction of our business to better serve the needs and desires of our customers. Our focus will be on-line training related to the safe use of power presses and robotic equipment used in industry.

It is our intention to develop other applicable courses in the near future.

Our On-Line Training

Our courses are extremely important for the safe operation of power presses and/or robotic equipment. The competency of personnel at their facilities is vitally important. The passing grade of our courses is 76% to help ensure the work force comprehends the information and takes it seriously. 

If a participant does not obtain a passing grade, an opportunity to review the information and take the test again is available at no additional cost. Practical training by a competent and authorized person at your facility should also be conducted to ensure the right person can perform the job in a safe and efficient manner.