Lucid Safety Training
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Forklift Driver Class

Clearly Stated Solutions

Safety Training Specialists

Forklift Operator's Course

Clearly Stated Solutions

Safety Training Specialists

Forklift Certification

Forklift Operator Training Classes


Forklift certification training classes for industrial Forklifts, offering an online Lift Truck course and a worksite safety class. This gives you a couple of industrial Forklift training certification options and makes it convenient to complete the Lift Truck training that best suites your needs.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance. This safety training course meets the OSHA training standards, as well the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) standards. The online course review is similar to the onsite Forklift class.

Practical Training:

The hands-on practical training is a crucial and mandatory part of the course. It will demonstrate the trainee's driver operator skills in operating the machinery safely and efficiently.

Suggested Participants :

Operators of Lift Trucks, supervisors, group leaders, and health & safety committee members.

Online Completion Time:

Approximately 1 hour

Forklift Certificate:

Will receive a Forklift certification card upon successful completion, (A passing grade of 90%) Must also have completed a successful operator evaluation.. Form must be faxed in,


$50 per test, per trainee
If the trainee fails you must purchase another key.
Meets OSHA and CCOHS requirements

Onsite QuoteSign-up


What types of industrial Forklifts should our company train on?

We recommend using the Lift Trucks that your employees use on a daily basis. If you have any questions regarding our Forklift training courses, or the equipment please contact us.

How long is my Forklift license valid for?

We refer it as Forklift certification, it is valid for 3 years.

Do you have a Fork Truck training near me?

The online Forklift course is valid for Canada and the United States.  Our experienced trainers also provide onsite / workplace forklift training for corporate companies in Brampton, Burlington, Grimsby Hamilton,, Oakville, Stoney Creek, Toronto and right across Ontario, as well select cities in the U.S.

What is the Forklift license cost for worksite training?

You will have to talk to a safety consultant for pricing. It depends on how many of your employees you enroll in the class.

I'm in the United States, can I take your online Lift Truck operator training course?

You can take our OSHA recognized Lift Truck Training as long as you follow our requirements. Please read the online courses review.

Are there standards in Canada and the United States when it comes to Forklift Testing?

Yes, The Ministry Of Labor (MOL), The Canadian Standards Association (CSA), the Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) and the  Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) Have All Set Out Standards and Guidelines for Forklift Operator Certification Training Programs?

Do all industrial Forklifts have the same type of training?

For the most part, most of the lift trucks have similar training techniques. There are a few different types such as the Rough Terrain Forklift that has some different training aspects to it.

What happens if I fail my online Forklift test?

Unfortunately you will have to purchase it again, and retake the online test.

The passing grade is high, why is this.?

Do to it being an online safety  test we need to keep the standards high.

Forklift Operator License / Certification Toronto

Our Fork Lift safety courses meets the CCOHS & OSHA safety guidelines with a flexible onsite schedule, allowing you to train at your convenience. Call us if you require Forklift training in Toronto

We will also bring forklift certification to the cities of Scarborough, Etobicoke, Markham, Mississauga, and right across Ontario. We will provide a comprehensive and effective training program in a cost-effective and timely manner. Besides the written test, the trainees will be required to complete the necessary one-on-one practical training that completes the second half of the course, upon successful completion your employees will be certified. The program is also valid for a refresher Forklift renewal.

How much is the Forklift Course in the province of  Ontario?

Our online training is $50 per trainee, per test.. You would have to get in touch with one of our safety consultants for onsite training pricing.

How much is online Forklift training in Calgary?

$50 per trainee, per test. Can only be completed online.

Do you need a Forklift license in Manitoba?


Why Lift Truck Training Is A Requirement?

Most industrial injuries are related to the improper use of Forklifts and usually occur quite frequently thus the need for Forklift training for the workers that operate them. Most property damage and Lift Truck incidents are due to insufficient training, slow enforcement of safety regulations, as well as the lack of safe operational measures. OSHA & CCOHS safety training declares it is a violation of the law for someone to operate a Forklift without certification and proper operator safety training.

Anyone operating lifting devices or industrial Forklifts should be over eighteen years of age, as OSHA safety training board declares. OSHA safety training keeps on enforcing new rules dubbed the OSHA standards on training on Forklifts and other heavy equipment lifting devices. Now adays with the changing times CCOHS & OSHA safety training can be completed online 

Federal laws state for everyone operating lifting devices such as Forklifts, Overhead Cranes, Aerial Platforms and other heavy equipment must have safety training and take an exam involving the theory and then the practical training.

This is a regulation that applies to most states and provinces that have Lift Truck operators. The current established law as per OSHA standards and CCHOS for Canadians, requires the assessment or the exam to be particular to the lift type of equipment the employee operates, and for them to be allowed to operate on their own they must have completed the OSHA or CCHOS standards evaluation. Certification is usually conducted by the contracting employer and is normally done indoors during operational hours.

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